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Objectives and Areas of Activity


Our ultimate goal is to enhance increased food production and reduce rural poverty by promoting innovations that are economically viable, socially just, culturally acceptable and ecologically sound.


  • To Strengthen Farmer Organizations (FOs) organizational capacity and governance structures to provide demand driven services to their members
  • To enhance capacity of members to adopt participatory approaches and promote SARD technologies and income generating activities
  • To promote co-operation and partnership between members and other stakeholders
  • To promote scaling up of successful experience in SARD by advocacy for favourable framework conditions
  • To enhance Farmer Organizations (FOs) capacity to explore and access market opportunities

ECASARD is innovative and experimental. We support the introduction and experimental use of new technologies.


  • Mobilizing farmers into group and strengthening their organizational capacity and governance structures
  • Supporting farmers to establish and strengthen commodity clusters. Commodity Clusters are food crops or non-timber forest product (NTFP) units in which activities are undertaken to transform raw materials into products (value addition) that are sold and consumed. These include the direct functions of primary productions (small-scale farmers’ produce), collection, processing, wholesaling, and retailing, as well as support functions, such as input supply, financial services, transport, packaging, and advertising.
  • Linking farmers to markets
  • Facilitating linkages between relevant stakeholders
  • Building long term business linkages and commercial relationships between farmers and buyers
  • Training in Leadership, negotiation skills and productive agricultural practices
  • Research on New Adoptive Technologies

ECASARD facilitates the building of community based farmer and civil society organizations, and empowers them through development, education and leadership. This is the foundation for political, social and economic action to improve small scale farmers and processor’s livelihoods.


ECASARD facilitates

  • Co-ordination and collaboration among member organizations
  • Sharing of information, expertise and resources among members
  • Collaboration with relevant government and research institutions as well as national and international NGO’s pursuing similar objectives
  • Creation of awareness through education, lobbying and dialogue with policy makers for favourable framework conditions for SARD
  • Training of trainers on technical skills and participatory approaches
  • Promotion of pilot SARD projects in the regions as centers for experimentation and demonstration
  • Coordination and business negotiations between actors, leading to their empowerment, ownership and sustainable relationship. This engagement is not just a one- off event, but rather a series of activities carried out over time.